| Applicable standards: Steel check valve, API 594 / API 6D Steel check valves, ISO 14313 Steel valves, ASME B16.34 Face to face, ASME B16.10 Flanges end, ASME B16.5 Inspection and test, API 598 / API 6D Design description: One piece body Butterfly swing type Dual-plate disc, Long-pattern Renewable split disc Hotizontal or vertical service Wafer ends Available with flanged ends |
Dual Disc Spring Loaded Wafer Check Valves

600Lb/900Lb CAST STEEL WAFER CHECK VALVE Materials of parts

Note: 1).NPS 8" & LARGER.
600Lb & 900Lb CAST STEEL WAFER CHECK VALVE Dimensions data

If you have 600Lb/900Lb WAFER CHECK VALVE any enquiry about quotation or cooperation, please feel free to email us at sale@dfcvalve.com or use the following enquiry form. WINDMILL sales representative will contact you within 24 hours. Thank you for your interest in our 600Lb/900Lb WAFER CHECK VALVE products.