| Applicable standards: Steel check valves, API 6D / BS 1868 Steel check valves, ISO 14313 Steel valves, ASME B16.34 Face to face, ASME B16.10 Flanges end, ASME B16.5 Buttwelding ends, ASME B16.25 Inspection and test, API 598 / API 6D Design description: Pressure seal bonnet cap Swing type, Anti-rotation disc Renewable seat rings Non-penetrate disc shaft Horizontal servece Flanged or buttwelding ends |

2500LB CAST STEEL CHECK VALVE Materials of parts

Note: 1).Graphite optional
2).Disc and seat ring may either be solid facing material or a base material equal to or better than the body/bonnet material with facing as shown.
2500LB CAST STEEL CHECK VALVE Dimensions data

If you have 2500LB PRESSURE SEAL CHECK VALVE any enquiry about quotation or cooperation, please feel free to email us at sale@dfcvalve.com or use the following enquiry form. WINDMILL sales representative will contact you within 24 hours. Thank you for your interest in our 2500LB PRESSURE SEAL CHECK VALVE products.